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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Jimmy & August B'day Stars Lunch Party @ Saisaki Restaurant

Burrpp..!! perut sgt kekenyangan setelah membelasah berketul2 sushi & tempura di Saisaki Restaurant....tp sib baik x mual sgt sbb ade green tea...yer..green tea meneutralkan keadaan dlm molot & perot...tak cukup dgn itu kami juge membelasah tepanyaki (without rice), spaghetti bolognese, smoked salmon..bla..bla..bla...soup itu soup ini...mix vege....and for the desert, we all belasah la lg aiskrim!! satu mangkuk jer tp ber-scoop2...huh!! beserta mix fruit serta kuih traditional jepon yg ntah ape nama & rasanya....pelik sket....wek! Selain celebrate b'day Mr.Jimmy, our president of MAAGNET SYSTEMS SDN BHD, we also celebrate August B'day Stars! untung dorg ni bday sama bulan ngn big boss....msuk corumn skali...huhu!! We, from IT Club 2009 committee sudah bg die an exclusive set of tea pot....cantek woo!! mahal tuh! lg pon he likes tea so much....bg jer lew mende alah ittew sbg gift beliau...sukenye die!! sesampai di opis jerk....around 5pm..we all dijamukan lg dgn cake2 bday td....ade 2 jenis...MaNgO & ChOcLaTe flavor...mkn sesudu-dua sudah....burrp!

Cute : Upon arriving to my office, I found this cutie cupcake on my table...thanks to u, anonymous!

President of IT CLub (right) giving present to Mr.Jimmy

Sesi memotong kek..

August B'day Stars

Manggo & Choclate Cheese Cake
Wawa & ME

The Green Tea

Teppanyaki of chicken, shrimp, beef, etc.


My Sushi..

Fazreen & Laina having spagetties

I just love 'em...

Ketika sedang memasang lilin pada kek dgn Steven

Thai food also available at Saisaki

Those who interested to have the best Japanesebuffet, please refer to following restaurant info:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Salam Ramadhan!

Di sini saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Berpuasa kepada semua umat Islam. Ramadhan yang dirindui kembali lagi..marilah kita sama2 mengerjakan ibadah puasa dengan sempurna & penuh ketaqwaan...entah bila kita akan jumpe Ramadhan ini lagi...mohon ampun & maaf kepada semua jika ada salah silapku pada kalian.
Nota Gembira : Esok nak balik kampung nk memulakan poser pertama ngn family di rumah parents! Start bersahur & buka poser kt sne..eee..beshnye! Dan ini adalah tahun pertama daku berposer bersama2 hubby tersayang....so, kene 'cuti' sebulan nih..hiks!

Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini

Monday, August 17, 2009

Seorang Lagi Sahabatku Bertunang

Akhirnya, my ex-roomate + ex-collegemate SADA MARIANA telah melangsungkan majlis pertunangan dgn pasangannya yg dicintai & digilai iaitu En.Joe yg sememangnya dah gila2! haha!! Tahniah buat kalian berdua! Daku sgt gumbira kerana seorang lg kawan ku bakal melangkah ke satu lagi alam dlm hidup seorang insan bernama manusia...iaitu ke alam pra-perkahwinan..dlm erti kata lain , ke alam PERTUNANGAN...chewah..puitis amat lah pulok!! After ni we all sume tgh menunggu minah yg lg sorg nih...bile mau buat langkah yg seterusnya kakak?? cik Sarah Afzan? Segeralah mengorak langkah anda!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

H1N1 is getting nearer!!!!!

Today I have to replace the front counter girl due to the girl was on MC. Her supervisor also on EL (emergency leave). Since I'm their 'Next of kin', so I just sit at the front counter to assist people for coming in to see people in Maagnet.

Suddenly, got this hot news saying that there were 2 suspects of H1N1 at the Takaful Dept! Noooooooo!!! So, HR immediately distributed the masks to all staff and it is compulsory to wear the mask in the office whenever you are out from your cubicle - effective by today! GOSH!! So, do I have any choices? NO!! Nak tanak, gue kene la pakai gk! sbb duk kt front counter kan...jumpe macam2 org...Tapi cantek gk...cam awek2 nurse yg sedang praktikal tu..huhu!! dengan berbaju kurung sopan alahai nih...eceh!! pasan! xleh pakai lelama la....lomeh dibuek eh!! x benapeh!! huik!!

But this mask is one time used only....everyday kene tukar baru....pakai buang lew....kang kene kuman laks pakai 2-3 kali...dh satu penyakit lg...xmoh..xmoh.....ya Allah ya tuhan ku..mintak dijauhkan la penyakit ni drpd terkena kami sume...Amin!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wedding Gifts

Wondering what else can give to the grooms & brides for their wedding presents? Books? Sounds good the book lovers but how about for anti-book? huhu!! I've make some searching thru the internet about gifts ideas for wedding & engagement. Selected by the Gift Guru.

Books for married couple

Other cute gifts for the married couples:

Father-in-law admitted to Hospital Selayang

Cian my FIL (father-in-law) kene masuk wad due to motorcycle accident. He wanted to go to settle up my SIL (sister-in-law) punye biasiswa a week ago. But end up with accident ngn kereta mana ntah...that people lari plk tuh! coz die yg langgar the red lite! Stupid!

Yesterday, me & hubby jaga die kt Hospital Selayang for one whole day. Actly my hubby jaga kejap jer...coz petang tu my MIL (mother-in-law) yg dtg sama2 jaga my FIL ngn I...my hubby akan jaga his dad mlm nnt smpai pagi. Due to the accident, my FIL mengalami luka die bahagian buku lali kaki kiri and after seminggu balut kaki tu kat rumah, kene gk pg hospital sbb kaki die makin bengkak hingga ke paras lutut and mula rasa sakit bila berjalan.

The morning yg we nk pg keje mcm biasa tu, my hubby dpt msg yg his dad admitted to the hospital. Maka, compassionate leave la jawabnye! huhu!! First time jaga org kt hospital ni...mmg terasa letih sket la sbb asyik duduk jer...berjalan pun bila kala boring jer....dh ler my first day pe-ot smlm...sengat gk! huhuh!! my MIL lak poser...By 4pm jer my hubby jemput I blk rmh utk mandi dulu. Ptg tu pg pasar mlm utk beli makanan. Plus, nk beli makanan berbukak poser for my MIL. We bought her nasi ayam and kuih apam malik (her fav)..hmm...while me, suddenly nk mkn popiah basah & chicken kebab...cedap! heheh!! the rest, we bought them putu piring and some keropok lekor....

At nite, me slept alone..coz my hubby gi jaga his dad kt hospital...=(

Monday, August 3, 2009

Yash's Wedding

Yesterday was my ex-collegemate's wedding (Yashma) that was held at Dewan Tun Syed Nasir, Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka (very near to my office - Menara MAA). The bad thing was, there were road closure at the same day of my friend's wedding! It's due to the reformation about this ISA thingy...doohh!!! What a mess!! Menyusahkan org jer!!

How ever, we managed to reached there just before the groom arrived. Lucky! Feels so good coz can meet other friends from KLIUC. We sat in one table and have our meals together. There were Shasha and her mum, Sada, Ainbubuk, Syurah, Noer, Danny, CT Noor? and Jijoy...Syurah was the bridesmaid. Of course we took some pics of ours! It is a must-to-do thing! haha!! Yash was so beautiful in her wedding dress! The colour is awsome and so as her wedding shoes. I envy her wedding shoes! coz it's my fav colour! huhu!!

She really has a pretty smile, isn't she?
The Pelamin

Hubby ♥ Me

The gojes wedding cake..simple but pretty!


Noer & Shasha

Me, ainbubuk & sada

Shasha..u look slimmer...

Me with ainbubuk yang jeliters

During makan beradab

Gifts for the guests

All of us.....

Wish that all of us will meet again soon...

Meet Syurah..

Then, me & husband left about 3.30pm coz we had a birthday party of my mother-in-law at Taman Sri Gombak. She turns 63 this year. My father-in-law was the chef for the day. He cooked nasi beriyani with meat curry, apple salad with olive oil and acar buah. So yummy! My father-in-law is a very good cook! So as my own father. My father-in-law was a soldier cook in his past and his favourite tv channel is Asian Food Channel (AFC). Need I say more? hehe..